duminică, 27 decembrie 2009

Chiar daca afara ninge, la mine'i verde peste tot

Mmm... A venit iarna...de ceva timp. Desi sunt nascuta in ianuarie, trebuie sa precizez ca nu suport frigul. Daca ar fi dupa mine, mi-ar placea sa fie zapada doar la munte. Recunosc, mi-e dor de un Craciun alb, ca cele pe care le adoram inainte..doar ca Iarna a resimtit criza cu mult inaintea noastra, nemaiavand un anotimp geros ca cele de pe vremuri, de foarte multi ani. Nu mai sunt fulgii de zapada mari si pufosi..sunt stropi de ploaie, reci si taiosi. Anotimpurile se schimba, de la Iarna la Primavara...Deci chiar daca afara ninge ( mai nou, ploua ), la mine este verde peste tot :) . Peste cateva zile este Revelionul, pot spune ca am ganduri mari >:) . Craciunul a fost ok..pot spune ca am avut parte de un element surpriza..un lucru la care ma gandisem, dar nu il credeam posibil :)). Daca s-ar fi desfasurat tot filmul initial ar fi fost inefabil :X dar nu e panica, inca mai e timp, pana atunci prefer sa ma grabesc incet. Nu degeaba sunt un iepure lenes uneori ;))

miercuri, 23 decembrie 2009

Green - a state of mind

What is "green" ? First of all, green is a colour. Without the definition of "colour" there wouldn't be green. Green is the grass on wich upon we walk...green is the green that we all so love to smoke. Green is the Grinch who hated Christmas but then embraced it. Green is the enviroment that's all around us.Green is the air that i breath from the green trees and the green hills on wich upon the sun shines. Green is the colour of your shirt and the colour of my eyes on a hot summer day. Green is the colour of the emerald. (The emerald is the sacred stone of the goddess Venus. It was thought to preserve love. The emerald has long been the symbol of hope. It is considered by many to be the stone of prophecy. For some the emerald acts as a tranquilizer for a troubled mind. :)) ). Green is the colour of the $ we all love. Green is the colour for our planet. Green is the color of nature, fertility, life. Green is favored by well balanced people. Green gemstones are used to attract money, prosperity and wealth. "Friday is the day of green." :)) So... become Green, stay Green, embrace Green, Love Green . Merry Christmas and a Happy Green Year ! "Embrace Green as a way of life and a state of mind - , it's your decision. THINK GREEN ! " ( by B. a good and wise friend. )

marți, 22 decembrie 2009

Adunate sau create/nu conteaza, imi plac

***Luv izZ all we Weed*** (Eu)
1. " Imi cunosc limitele dar prefer sa le ignor. " [Friedrich Nietzsche] & my fav
2. " Even the Grinch iz Green. " [eu]
3. " A date is like a job interview that lasts all night.the only differnce between a date and a job interview is not many job interviews is there a chance u end up naked at the end of it. " [j. seinfeld] :))
4. " The washing machine is like a night club for clothes. " [j. seinfeld]
5. " Iar de nu o sa vrei, o sa pledez pentru nebunie temporara si aia e :)) n'ai c sa'mi zici :D ...sau ai ? " [eu]
6. " I like to play mind games.Sounds stick under my skin.I'm playing with madness.I make my brain spin. " [mind games -sven vath]
7. " The Grass iz Green - The Sun is shining. " [je]
8. " Haters make me famous. " [anonim] :)) suckers
9. " Imi place cand intri'n filmul meu . " [tot eu]
10. " Ne'ntalnim in vise si vorbim . " :)) [tot eu]
11. " Hai ca poate te visez . " ;) [eu]
12. " A friend with weed iz a friend indeed. " :)) [anonim] (e valabila si pt cel care o foloseste)
13. " Ice me of your burning thoughts. " :> [moi] :))
14. " Well some guys have shown me aces, but u've got that royal flush " :"> [c.aguilera.]
15. " Daca vezi sunete rosii veerzi sau griii ' esti unde'ar trebui sa fiii. " [guess who]
16. " Iti plac papagalii?Mie nu'mi plac vacile ". :)) & ;) (u should know best) [me]
17. " It's not the past that maters.It's the moment that counts. " [anonim :-?]
18. " Festina lente " [ Aldus Manutiu] (+1) - apoi a urmat >
19. > " Ma grabesc incet si ma bucur de viata. " [eu]
20. " Expect the unexpected " [anonim] ( +1 ) -apoi a urmat >
21. > " How can it be unexpected when you're always expecting ? " :)) [me]
22. " Nu incerca sa schimbi persoana de care deja iti place. " [eu]
23."X : -Nu vreau sa iti faci o parerea proasta despre mine. - Eu: -Tu chiar crezi ca m-am gandit atat de mult la tine incat sa imi fac o parere?" [eu]
24. " Splendoare'n verde ! "[eu]
25. " Dansati'va calea " :)) [eu]
26. " Gata sunt stabil..adica nu ma mai misc " :)) [r.h..]
27. " Women know what men want.Men know what men want.What do we want?We want women. " :)) [j. seinfeld]
28. " Of course i'm monogamous...Why?What have you heard? " :))) s.a.t.c.
29. " So inlove are we two, that we don't know what to do?" [movie]
30. " Am tot zis sa pun pauza, dar am apasat tot play. " [eu]